Green Transition

The EU Green Deal is a comprehensive policy framework that aims to address climate change and promote durable products by setting ambitious energy and circular economy targets. The Circular Economy Action Plan is part of the EU Green Deal, and it focuses on how products are designed. It promotes sustainable consumption and waste reduction, ensuring that resources are kept in the economy for as long as possible. European Plasticisers helps reach the goals of the EU Green Deal by actively promoting and supporting EU Green Deal initiatives throughout the plasticisers value chain.

The sector also funds, promotes, and publishes studies to provide robust scientific information ensuring the safe use of its products while contributing to the achievement of EU Green Deal.

How do Plasticisers contribute to the EU Green Deal objectives:

Energy efficiency

among others, reflective flexible PVC membranes help reduce energy consumption in building.

Lower emissions

automotive underbody coating using plasticisers is one example of how to make vehicles lightweight to reduce emissions.

Circular economy

flexible PVC articles can be safely recycled many times into new articles.

Chemical strategy

the plasticisers industry embraces the safe and sustainable use of chemical substances and contributes to the debate by providing sound science.


Plasticisers help extend durability of products, increasing their lifespan and reducing waste.


of cable insulation

Did you know that studies indicate that over 60 % of cable insulation made using
flexible vinyl will have a working life of over 40 years.


European Plasticisers is one of the four founding members of VinylPlus®, the renewed decade-long Voluntary Commitment to sustainable development of the European PVC industry. The initiative was launched in 2000 under the name Vinyl2010.

The VinylPlus® project is a pioneer of sustainable economy, supporting European Union’s sustainability objectives. VinylPlus’ distinctive contribution in involving the entire value chain has led to the recycling over 8.1 million metric tonnes of PVC since 2000. A total of 65 voluntary commitments were presented by companies and industry associations.

The next decade-long commitment of the PVC industry towards sustainable development is VinylPlus 2030. This commitment aims to contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, as well as to the objectives set by the European Union’s Circular Economy Action and Plan and Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. VinylPlus 2030 is based on three pathways. These pillars are subsequently divided into twelve specific action points that outline tangible measures to be undertaken by the European PVC industry in pursuit of sustainable PVC development.