12 Dec 2012

Plasticisers industry discusses how to effectively communicate science information to all stakeholders

Over 80 international experts gathered on 4th and 5th December in Brussels at the annual “Plasticisers Conference 2012” organised by Crain Communications and European Plastics News in association with European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates (ECPI).

The list of participants included representatives from private companies and trade associations as well as academics and policy-makers who looked at ways to improve the delivery of key scientific messages on safety and the benefits of using flexible PVC applications.

In this regard, ECPI’s General Manager, Maggie Saykali, commented that “the differentiation between the various phthalates is gaining understanding and acceptance. In the future, we have to consolidate what we have already achieved. We must continue working on our research, providing scientific and factual information to the stakeholders and speaking with one voice to promote the great benefits plasticisers and flexible PVC bring to the general public”.

In addition to presentations on the latest market and scientific developments as well as future challenges for the plasticisers sector, this year’s programme included two round-table discussions entitled “Communicating science” and “Industry’s contribution to decision-making”. Moderated by a professional journalist, this format created a dynamic exchange platform for the speakers and the public.

Daniel Ortiz Martinz, Solvay’s Technical Marketing Development Manager, explained that “the industry is trying to communicate the science behind its products, always looking at the facts; decisions based on junk science must be avoided at all costs”.  “Scientific evidence proves that plasticisers are safe products and they are here to stay”, Ortiz added.

Presenting the policy-maker’s perspective on regulatory issues related to the plasticisers industry, Member of the European Parliament Julie Girling underlined that “getting politicians to listen can be difficult. Clear, concise, independently validated information will get their attention and get them to focus on some key facts.”